Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)

of of of of of of of of of ELMIRA STAR-GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1929. PAGE NINE. Montour Falls School Children Will Enjoy Play Program June 1 Montour Falls, May local churches are announced as follows: Baptist, the Rev. John Maxwell, pastor. church Today, 6:30 p.

monthly night supper and prayer meeting. Sunday, 10:30 a. school, preaching and communion; Sunday 7:30 by monthly union service in young people's service tollowenion the Methodist Church. Methodist, the Rev. E.

L. Van pastor. Today, 7:30 prayer meeting; institute party of Epworth League in the church Fri- Knoxville Union Members Gather; Personal Mention Knxville, May 29-The W.C.T.U. met with its president, Mrs. Hannah Bush, Friday afternoon.

Rev. W. E. Ruch of Osceola attendthe baccalaureate sermon at the Baptist Evangelist Church Sunday evening.and Mrs. N.

Carter of Elmira attended Sunday morning service at the Baptist Madeline Wilcox, a nurse at the Arnot-Ogden Hospital, Elmira, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wilcox.

Miss Mazie and Roger Fisk of York were Saturday guests of New Mrs. Flora Kuhl. They also visited Mr. and Mira, Sherm Fisk of Austin. -Mr.

and Mrs. Israel Putnam of Elmira were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray and Mrs. C.

E. Lawrence spent Sunday in Elmira guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C.

Everitt. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.

Bocknewch and children spent Sunday in and Mrs. W. D. Polluck and son, Stuart, of Corning were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.

W. H. McInroy and daughter, H. of Corning has been visiting her sister, Mi -Karl Frank Bulhas returned from a week's day at children's day, Sunday, June 9. Sunday, 10:30 a.

morning worship, children's sermon, reception of members and preaching; 11:30 a. Sunday school; 3 p. Junior League; 6:30, union young people's meeting, Miss Martha Crout, leader; topic, "The Present in Relation to Our Life Careers;" 7:30, union evening worship, the Rev. John Maxwell will preach. Falls From Pole, Lineman Is Hurt Westfield, May 29-Albert Farrell, a lineman employed by the North Penn Electric fell from a pole Tuesday morning, striking his head and He was removed to the hospital where he was found to be badly bruised and shaken but so far broken bones been discovered.

Pea He fell 30 teRraye visit with her cousin, Mrs. May Brown, of Crooked and Mrs. A. W. Lugg attended Memorial services at Nelson H.

J. Brown of Waverly, who has been a guest of her mother, Mrs. Jennie sister, Mrs. H. C.

White, Sunday with Mr. Brown who spent the week-end here. Mrs. H. W.

Colegrove of Eldred is visiting Mrs. J. H. Burch in Knoxville. Mr.

Colegrove will spend Memorial Day J. B. Hunt is recovering from her recent illness. Her daughter, Mrs. Emmet Palmer of Penn Yan and sister, Mrs.

Sumner White of Elmira, are helping care for and Mrs. M. J. Bump and daughter, Dorothy, were week-end guests of Mrs. Bump's brother, Carl Tupper, of Mrs.

Elise Droz of New York has returned after visiting her sister, Mrs. E. J. and Mrs. Henry Boulio were guests of their daughter, Mrs.

Reid Weidman, at Rochester. L. H. ROSENBLOOM OPTOMETRIST Now Located in THE BRONZE BUILDING You may still obtain your glasses at the same reasonable prices, which range from $5 to $14.50 This includes every style of lens from the flat spherical to 1 the KRYPTOK INVISIBLE BIFOCAL And every style of frame with the exception of white gold and yellow gold with the crossbar. These and a few of the more complicated lenses are a bit higher.


WATER ST. PHONE 4161 Children gain weight wita Boscothe delicious 3-FOOD DRINK A delightful "pick up" for every. body. Quickens the slow, lagging step supplies abounding energy. It is Mother Nature' sown means to health.

BOS CO olate, Bosco entices with its malt, and double-chocnourishing just 5-FOOD DRINK enough pure sugar. It supplies elements that feed nerve and brain DELICIOUS cells. Makes a more delicious choc olate malted milk. At your grocer's. 25c jar makes 25 full drinks TRY OUR NOON LUNCH On busy shopping days, or if you work in an office- or even when friends drop in to call near noon-let us suggest our special luncheon here, at 50c THE ORANGE SPA In the Center Of Activity.


B. McCANN COAL Inc. 103 EAST ELEVENTH STREET PHONE-849-PHONE. No Paper Thursday The Star-Gazette will not be published Thursday, Memorial Day. Give Program For Graduation Ulysses, May commencement program of the Lewisville Vocational School is as follows: Baccalaureate sermon by the Rev.

N. Johnstone at the Baptist Church Sunday evening; Thursday evening, June 6, class day exercises and commencement program in the auditorium of the Community Building. At the close of then exercises the annual banquet of Alumni Association will be held in the Baptist Church. The class of 1929 consists of 20 members as follows: Vera Abbey, Minona Bump, Ruth Bristol, Clare Crum, Francis Lickson, Wilda Champney, Alice Clark, Evelyn Flynn, Lola Gibson, Evelyn Gillette, Eldon Grover, Sarah Hilfger, Ralph Home, Oca Kirkendall, Raymond Lambert, Raymond Monroe, Hugh Morrison, Lottie Thompson, Theron Seeley and Lewis Baker. Mrs.

Mollie Beasor of Coudersport visited Mrs. H. E. Merritt and Mrs. Alley Mead of Alfred visited H.

K. Lane Meiss and daughter Mae and Mr. and Mrs. Burt Jones and son Clark motored to Wellsboro, Mansfield and Corning and Mrs. Robert Metcalf and daughter of a Rochester visited Mrs.

Metcalf's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hosley, Helena Cushing and Olga Cutler of Painted Post and Miss Carrie Broomhall of Corning visited Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Duncan Sunday Harry Duncan spent the week-end in Knoxville and Painted Post. Gaylord Spencer and Lowell Carpenter have completed another year's work at the Mansfield State Teacher's College. They returned Saturday. and family and of Mrs.

Bradford Alvin were Sunday guests of Mrs. Whitney's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L.

and Mrs. J. W. Spencer were in Mansfield Saturday to attend ALlumni Day at the State Teachers' Women's Missionary Society of the Baptist Church met with Mrs. J.

L. Mrs. Charles son of Raymond this afternoon. Mr. and Cuba, N.

were in Ulysses and Mrs. Herman Gamer and sons, Robert and Edward, and Mrs. Eva Nelson of Elmira were in Ulysses -Miss Marcella Gamble and Nathan Church were home from Alfred University over the week-end. FIND STOLEN CAR Penn Yan, May 29-Corporal Williams and Trooper Nesbit of the Penn Yan station of State Troopers received word Tuesday that the coupe owned by Merrill Beach and recently stolen from its parking place in front of Beach's residence, in this village, had been located in Dansville. PLATT-THOMAS Bath, May 29-William Thomas of Atlanta and Miss Edith Platt of Savona, were married at the home the officiating clergyman, the Rev.

G. L. Parry of the local Baptist Church, Monday evening. Mr. and Thomas plan to make their home in Atlanta.

EAT SEA FOOD FOR HEALTH AND STRENGTH Advice Given by Prof. Winifred Cullis, Professor of Physiology in the University of London. gard to protein we find that fish has a high food value, the Haddock for example, being "The Haddock, probably the finest fish in the Atlantic Ocean, contains very little fat and is very easily digested. The short muscle fibers tend to increase its digestibility, and it is well named 'the chicken of the It not appear that, women in general have weaker digestive powers than men, but there are times, when owing perhaps to lack of fresh air and exercise they want something sustaining without taxing their digestive organs. Protein is the element in diet which supplies the body with the nitrogen without which life as we know it would be impossible.

In re- particularly rich in protein, although containing practically no fat." Without doubt the finest sea fish now obtainable on the American market is Nordic Fillet or Haddock. It comes in neat package form and is ready to cook. Head, skin, tail and practically all bones have been removed. Merely remove the pack-' age and it is ready for the pan or oven. One of the fine features about Nordic Fillet of Haddock is that it is just as fresh as the hour when caught.

This we owe to another wonderful invention of science. Every home should now have this healthful food several times a week, as it is obtainable practically all Markets. Distributed by Empire Produce Company, Binghamton, Corning, Elmira, Hornell, Soon Remove Trunk Factory To Old Avoca Wheel Plant Avoca, May to nouncements made today by the committee of citizens which includes M. J. Briggs, J.

E. Walker, O. M. Towner and Fred Zedell, the H. M.

Pickard Company has made the final arrangements to move its business from Rochester to the factory occupied by the Avoca Wheel Company for nearly 40 years. The new company has purchased this from Robert Turnbull, president of the Bath National Bank. The concern is engaged in the On Committee For Fresh Air Kiddies' Visit Bath, May Beyer, field secretary of the "fresh air children" project of Greater New York, announces that the towns of Wayland, Bath and Cohocton, will constitute a group in entertainment of children from Greater New York for a period of two weeks beginning Tuesday, July 23. Committees in the villages of this group are: Bath-Mrs. G.

H. Hutchinson, chairman; R. Turnbull, W. R. Campbell, Harold Lee, Graham M.

Burch, C. H. Moore, Waylandthe Rev. F. W.

Duell, chairman; Atlanta-Mrs. Anna Tyler, Mrs. Charles Corry, Mrs. George Unger, Miss Margaret Brush; CohoctonC. H.

Lookup, chairman, Mrs. Joseph McCormick, Mrs. Fred Snyder, Mrs. C. F.

Gifford, Mrs. Paul Krotsky, Mrs. Carl New, Mrs. Paul Rhode, Mrs. John Schaffer, Mrs.

W. H. Clapp, Mrs. Willard Miller. Lands Heavy Trout Penn Yan, May J.

Townsend of Clinton Street landed a pound trout Monday morning on West Branch, near his cottage. George Almy holds the season's record for the catch of the largest Lake Keuka trout, having landed one which tipped the scales at 17 pounds. Several catches of nine to 12 pounders are made each day. Vicinity Obituaries JOHN THOMPSON Odessa, May death of John Thompson, 32, occurred May 23 at Sunmount Sanitarium, near Saranac Lake where he had been under treatment for the past year. The body was brought here for the funeral at Baptist Church at 2:30 p.m.

Sunday, The Rev. F. E. Steiger officiated, assisted by the Rev. O.

H. Travis. Burial, was in' decedent Laurel served Hill in Ceme- the World War and saw active service Siberia. He was also for a time in Philippines. Cole-HansenSurger-Deland Post, American Legion, attended the funeral in a body.

The Legion conducted the service at the grave. The decedent is survived by his widow his mother, Mrs. Joseph Bettis. and. Thompson was a former member of the Northside Baptist Church, Elmira.

OTTO C. YOST Bath, May Rev. Grant P. Sommerville, rector of St. James Episcopal Church, Hammondsport, officiated this afternoon at the funeral of Otto C.

Yost. Burial was in the family plot in Grove Cemetery. Mr. Yost died Monday in Rome, N. following a long illness.

He was 26 years old, and born in Thurston, near Bath, the son of the late Frederick and Tillie Yost. The greater part of his life was passed in this community. He is survived by a brother, Cecil, of Bath, and a brother, Leland an attorney in Rochester. CALVIN C. NICKERSON Wellsboro, May services for Calvin C.

Nickerson, 77, of Hills Creek, who died at his home Sunday were held today at 2 p. m. Burial was in Hills Creek Cemetery. His widow survives. MRS.

HARRIET P. FRAZIER Westfield, May Harriet Paul Frazier, 80, died at her home Monday morning. She is survived by 11 children: Henry, at home; Ray, Matthew and Mrs. May Dyer, Potter Brook; Hiram, Olean; Charles, Harrison Valley; Gabriel, Endicott; Mrs. Nellie Prechtl, Elmira; Mrs.

Kate Rushmore and Ira, Westfield; Mrs. Mayme Tremaine, Chatham, Canada. Funeral services were held at the home Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. D. M.

Ratcliffe of Harrison Valley officiating. Burial was in the Champlin Cemetery. FRED MORELAND Van Etten, May 29-Fred Moreland died at the home of his brother, William Moreland, Monday morning, aged 73 years. Mr. Moreland had been in health some time.

He leaves four brothers, William, Sherman and Grant of Van and Henry of Elmira; one sister, Mrs. Nancy Maxwell, Elmira. The funeral was held today at 2 p. m. at the Methodist Church.

Burial was in Mt. Hope Cemetery. HAVE BIRTHDAY DINNER. Knoxville, May and Mrs. Leon Cool of South Water Street entertained at a birthday dinner Sunday honoring Mrs.

Cool's mother, Mrs. Carrie Gardner; a niece, Miss Mildred Gardener, and Leon Cool. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. W.

A. Carpenter, Eldred; Mr. and Mrs. C. A.

Reynolds and daughter Pauline, Anderson Settlement; Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bolt Ignites Millport Barn Millport, May barn on J.

L. Stafford's farm was struck by lightning Friday and burned with its contents. The loss, which is estimated at $800, includes several tons of lime and fertilizer, a quantity of hay, feed and tools. The Misses Mary and Ella McDougal accompanied by Clarence and Royce Backus of Schenectady motored to Macedon Sunday to visit the Rev. Freda and Mrs.

George Marshall and children spent the week-end at Crystal Springs as guests of Mrs. Marshall's mother, Mrs. Ogden and Mrs. Fern Smith and daughter Beatrice of Harrisville are guests of Mr. and Mrs.

James Deibler. -Mr. and Mrs. Homer Gardner and Mr. and Mrs.

Alex Witukevic attended a party at Big Flats Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Thomas and daughter of Newark, N. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Rogers of Seneca Falls, and Mrs. Myrna WinCatherine town -William "Stocum, Mrs. Rhoda Stocum and daughter Ruth spent Sunday Galeton. -Miss Zoa Starr of Elmira.

spent the week-end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Mrs. Merton Pratt, Mrs. Mary Lovel and Miss Stubbs of Elmira visited Mrs.

M. Malette Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. C. C.

Hagerbome and Miss Doris Mann of Binghamton were Sunday guests of George Leda Stoddard, who has been ill, returned to work Monday morning. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sterling were Mr. and Mrs.

Lee Skinkle, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Soper and Mr.

and Mrt. Eugene Jackson and Mrs. Loretta Hay of New York spent the week-end with William and Mrs. Frank C. Crouch are enjoying a fishing trip in the A.

R. Newton of Horseheads visited her mother, Mrs. M. A. Wager, and Mrs.

Melvin Brink Endicott were guests of Mrs. Estella Bailey Sunday. Mansfield Senior Play Is Pleasing Mansfield, May capacity audience witnessed the production of the senior play, "The in the Mansfield State Teachers' College. gymnasium Monday evening. The play was coached by Irving T.

Chatterdon, head of the oral expression department. The cast: Bill Harrington, Harry Bailey; Mrs. William Harrington, Helen Howard; Grace Harrington, Mary Thompson; Patricia Harrington, Mary Thomas; Billy Caldwell, Alexander Hardie; Tony Anderson, Richard Hutchinson; Sadie Buchanan, Elizabeth McCord; Francs Patrick Laraby, Austin Snyder; "Trip" Busty, Austin Snyder. The college orchestra, directed by Dr. Will George Butler, played an elaborate program.

The committees were: Property, Emerson Homet; stage manager, Louise McKinney; makeup, Margaret Morgan; business manager, Frances Dykins. urday for Minnewaska where they will remain until Oct. 1. Nobody Loves a "Skinny" Woman Gain weight quick with new YEAST and IRON. Results guaranteed--or pay nothing amazed at Ironized Yeast.

They say 5 to 15 pounds are gained in few weeks! Skinny limbs quickly covered with rounded, graceful flesh! Ugly hollows in shoulders filled up! Eyes sparkling with health. They ask -how does Ironized Yeast work Only when Yeast is Ironized is it more effective--for Iron is needed to bring out the weight-building, strengthening value of Yeast. If you are underweight, nervous, or tired, you need Ironized Yeast. Start it today. Pleasant-tasting tablets in a handy bottle.

Never upset stomach or cause gas. Go today any drug store and get a full size treatment of Ironized Yeast. If not delighted with results, get your money Corns Lift right A few drops of Freezone does it! Puts the corn to sleep-deadens all painand soon makes it so loose in its bed of flesh that it lifts right out! Hard corns or soft--all are ended by Freezone. Callouses, too. Get a bottle at any drug store and walk and dance in comfort! FREEZONE Soon Erect Arches Bearing Message of Welcome at Bath manufacture of steel and wooden trunks for automobile and airplanes.

The company will employ 15 men and the management hopes to expand the business so that at least 30 will be employed by the end of the year. H. M. Pickard was in Avoca Saturday to make arrangements for repairs before occupancy. He stated that he hoped to be able to begin operations in about three weeks.

Montour Falls Church News Montour Falls, May children Montour Falls grammar Schoole will hold a play day, Saturday, June 1, at 9:30 a. m. The program is scheduled to last until 4 p. m. so the children are invited and urged to bring their lunches.

Supervisors will be present all day. The program, under the auspices of Miss Dortha Brown, instructor of physical education, is as follows: Supervised games for the children of the first five grades. The morning program will be a track meet between two teamsthe Blue and the White- composed of the pupils of the upper grades. Miss Brown will supervise this. Events scheduled are: Standing and running high jump, running broad jump, dash, baseball far throw and relay.

The awards will be given at 1 o'clock by Miss Grace Ford, principal of the Montour grammar school. In the afternoon there will be a baseball game between the boys of the Blue and White teams and a basketball game between the girls of the two teams. College Frats Enjoy Banquet Wellsboro, May of the Phi Alpha Kappa Phi and Phi Alpha fraternities of the Mansfield State Teachers' College held a reunion Saturday evening Hunting Valley Inn, near Gaines. The banquet was followed speeches and dancing. The affair was arranged Miss Alice Doane, Dr.

John Doane and Morris Thompson of Mansfield. Present were: Mrs. Mildred Lloyd Rockwell and Mrs. Clyde Bailey, len and Mrs. Brown, Evans, Kelly, Hornell; Mr.

Obituaries Stanley Wellsboro; McMulOlyphant; Tunkhannock; Laura Wheeler, Pine City; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Allen, Mrs.

Howard Vosburg, Mr. Mrs. Morris Thompson, and Mansfield; Mrs. Anna Longstreet Davidson, Churchill, Miss Hazel Hoag, Scranton; Thomas Ruane, Chinchilla; Lois Tantall, Mansfield; Laura Beaven Benson, Susquehanna; Bess Crittenden Carpenter, Osqaya; Miss Gwen Powell, Scranton; Mildred Lewis, Scranton; Mr. and Mrs.

Ed Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Judge, Mr. and Mrs. George Retan; Dr.

Robert De Wate, Mansfield; Mrs. Nell Hoard Tubbs, Buffalo. Helen Custer Cooper, Glenside; Dr. Lloyd Ruane, Scranton; Mildred Cooper, Glenside; Helen, Scranton Lewis, Scranton. Have Been Guests Of Odessa Friends Odessa, May and Mrs.

Charles Savercool of Syracuse visited Mrs. Florence Savercool and family the last of the Viola Schuldt of Enfeld has been visiting Miss Maurine Travis.Lewis Edminster of Cayu-1 taville is visiting Mrs. E. L. Brower of Day will be observed at the Baptist Church Sunday morning, June 9, and at the Methodist Church that Sunday evening Catharine Swartwood Cayuta is ill of rheumatit*m.

Miss Louise Webster has been ill of Paul Cronk visited her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Brower, at Ithaca the first of the Frank Mastellar of Montoursville, formerly of Odessa, recently suffered a slight apoplectic and Mrs. Emmett La Barr of Elmira were in town Rev. and Mrs. Stanley W.

Wright and daughter, Alice, Mrs. Susan Pearce and Mrs. Sarah Richards were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Asa Albert Ash and daughter, Phoebe, spent Sunday in Montour Falls.

Avoca Personals Avoca, May guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Havill were: Mr.

and S. Fox and family, West Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Vunck, Loucks and Mrs. Morgan Wallace of Pittsburgh are visiting her mother, Mrs.

Charles guests Principal and Mrs. F. J. Ryan were: Mr. and Mrs.

Horace Bradley family and Principal and Mrs. G. Brooks and family of and Mrs. Hadley C. Snyder and son Harold of Prattsburgh were in town Sunday.

-Mr. and Mrs. Bert Booth of Niagara Falls spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. F. L.

Clark. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Conklin and sons Renaldo Gordon, were in Rochester Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Orcutt of Buffalo spent Sunday with parents, Mr.

and Mrs. F. C. Canfield J. Shill is and Mrs.

Benjamin Carner of Elmira spent the week-end with her brother, Leon Overhiser and Randolph Thompson left Sat- Cool, Roulette; Howard Gardener and daughters Dorcthy and Mildred, Shinglehouse; Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Carpenter and Clara Garden- Bath, May 29 -The Bath village trustees, Monday afternoon, designated position of metal arches which will span the roadway at the eastern and western approaches to the village. The eastern arch will be on the Elmira road, a short distance east of the Bath and Hammondsport Railroad tracks. The western arch will be a short distance east of the Heinaman farm on the Rochester road.

The arches will bear the words "Welcome to Bath" and will be electrically illum'inated at night. Bath Voters to Decide Two Issues Bath, May 29-The Bath village two village charter propositions at 11. One proposition be "Shall General Municipal Law?" The Bath's special charter, as revised proved and accepted?" trustees have decided to submit the special election, Tuesday, June Bath reincorporate under the second proposition will be "Shall by a citizens' committee, be ap- Bureau Council Meets at Penn Yan Penn Yan, May 29-The advisory council the units of the Yates County Home Bureau met at the Methodist Church Tuesday, where a social and business program was enjoyed. A play given Branchport members. Dinner was served by members was.

the Berean Class of the Methodist Church. About 150 bureau members were present from all parts of Yates County. Elkland Commncement Program Given Elkland, May B. Hillman, supervising principal of Elkland High School, has announced the activities of commencement week as follows: Monday, June 3, alumni banquet and dance; Tuesday, June pageant; Wednesday, June 5, eighth grade commencement; Friday, June 7, class day exercises; Sunday, June 9, baccalaureate sermon; Monday, June 10, commencement. Savona Personals Savona, May Rev.

H. E. Kenrick opened evangelistic services in the Campbell Methodist Church Sunday Leslie Harvey of Rochester is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson is ill at the Bath Sanford, spent Sunday with Carl Swink at Reading and Philadelphia.

William VanKeuren is Orange Gardner, mother of Mrs. Millie Chappell, died Thursday evening at and Mrs. Leon Fenton entertained the 569 Club Tuesday evening. Plan Consultations For Rural Children Dundee, May 29-Rural consultations will be held in the following villages: Dundee, Tuesday, June 4, communiy house, Mrs. Charles Chadwick, chairman; Rock Stream, June 6, town hall, Mrs.

E. M. Crans, chairman; Barrington, June 10, Grange Hall, Mrs. Lee Morehouse, chairman; Himrod, June 11, Mrs. Leon Culver, chairman.

These consultations are for infants and pre-school children from 6 months to years of age. -Booth'sWEEK- END SPECIAL WHIPPED CREAMS Luscious Whipped Vanilla Cream Dipped in a Blended Bittersweet Chocolate. 43c lb. Ask For Them At Any Serv-U-Save-U Store BROOKS GELDER TAILORS Formerly 105 East Market Street Now Located at 130 EAST WATER STREET Second Floor-Opposite Chemung Canal Trust Co. Your Last ChanceCOAL PRICES GOING HIGHER Let Us Fill Your Bins With OLD TIME TEMPLE COAL KENDALL BROS.

104 WESTSIDE AVE. PHONE 6606 a HASKELL DURFEY General Contractors, Painters and Decorators 612 William Street Phone 2168.

Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.