1. Atomic bomb - Official Factorio Wiki
29 okt 2021 · Atomic bombs are very expensive alternative ammunition for the rocket launcher and the spidertron. They deal incredible damage over a wide ...
Atomic bombs are very expensive alternative ammunition for the rocket launcher and the spidertron. They deal incredible damage over a wide area, capable of wiping out groups of enemies with ease. They can also kill even the most heavily-armored player, so they should be fired from a great distance.
2. Atoombom - Official Factorio Wiki
10 mrt 2022 · Atoombommen zijn erg dure ammunitie voor raketwerpers en spidertrons. Ze richten enorme schade aan op een groot gebied, waarmee ze volledige ...
Atoombommen zijn erg dure ammunitie voor raketwerpers en spidertrons. Ze richten enorme schade aan op een groot gebied, waarmee ze volledige groepen van vijanden gemakkelijk kunnen uitroeien. Ze kunnen ook de meeste bepantserde speler vernietigen, dus moeten vanaf een grote afstand afgevuurd worden.
3. True Nukes - Factorio Mods
This mod aims to simulate most of the real effects of a nuclear weapon, in a Factorio world. It models the blast wave and the thermal radiation release, as well ...
Adds realistic nuclear blasts, and more nuclear options, including various scales of atomic artillery shell, as well as atomic cannon shells. Also adds thermobaric weapons (these are like fuel air bombs), which act as early game nukes.
4. Atomic bomb (research) - Official Factorio Wiki
4 aug 2018 · The Atomic bomb research unlocks the Atomic bomb which is an extremely strong weapon.
The Atomic bomb research unlocks the Atomic bomb which is an extremely strong weapon.
5. Atomic bomb is too weak - Factorio Forums
Meer resultaten van forums.factorio.com
See AlsoBuzzcast Live Stream TelegramI used atomic bombs first time in 1.0. They seem to be nerfed to pretty useless compared with spidertron and rockets and artillery. I do not understand what…
6. Atomic bomb - Factorio Item Browser
Browse thousands of items and recipes in all of the mods of Factorio.
7. Friday Facts #357 - Nuke | Factorio
24 jul 2020 · The nuclear tiles remain there forever and are visible from the map view as they have their own map colour, though you can place concrete over ...
Blueprint library finishing touches kovarex At the time of writing the Friday Facts last week, not all of the planned changes were finished, here is the finalisation, so here we go.
8. Space Exploration - Miraheze
30 jul 2024 · (This wiki has permission to use Factorio icons here in the context of a Factorio mod.) ... Atomic bomb · Plague rocket · Flamethrower ammo.
From Space Exploration
9. Atomic bomb - Official Factorio Wiki
5 nov 2020 · Infobox:Atomic bomb ; Range. 54 ; Damage. 400 explosion ; Area of effect size. 35 ; Used as ammunition by ; Rocket launcher.png. Spidertron.png.